Business History
The roots of aLonZo Brain Products date back to 1991 and the production of original, hand
painted T-shirts in the Seattle area. Shirts were painted in the humble driveway
of the Clean Brother's residence (large-boat custom detailing specialists)
referred to as the studio. Painting sessions were usually accompanied by the music of the late Jerry
Garcia. Today's images have evolved slowly from the simple
paintings adorning those early shirts. Subsequent experiences such as accounting classes during business school
and lengthy conference calls as an investment banker provided ample time to hone
distraught looks on the simple characters. Intervals between successive finance
related jobs provided more time to draw and resulted in the stunning
break through of the addition of text to some of the images. aLonZo is on record as
saying that "the images seem to simply
flow out of my head - or at least out of the mouse - sort of like shit through a
goose." We understand that the descriptions are generated in a
similar fashion.
It is all about having fun. However, aLonZo fears that relying on the sales of Brain Products for his livelihood could eventually mean pandering to commercial interests which may destroy some of the more unique or simplistically random aspects of the work. To avoid this tragic outcome, we here at Brain Products encourage all to purchase the strangest of images and thereby reinforce the notion that strange is good from both an entertaining and a commercial perspective.
aLonZo is a washed up finance guy (took a series of wrong turns after studying English Literature at the University of Colorado in Boulder) who simply enjoys looking at everyday life from a little different angle. Brain Products endeavors to look at life from an obvious yet often unarticulated perspective. Here simplistically strange gives us the perspective to pierce the social filters that can be blinding.